Original Publications
Ten articles and video interviews produced in 2021 for John Kerry’s nonprofit magazine World War Zero. On the ground reporting from the COP26 UN Climate Talks in Glasgow.
RECOFTC - The Center for People & Forests | 2014
Truthout | 2017
Emergence Magazine | 2017
Interfaith Observer | 2019
Press & Features
“Melt thy Rifles Into Garden Tools” | NY Times 2018
[article about my work with Lead to Life]
“The Trump administration went to the UN climate talks to promote coal” | Vox 2017
[Article about the historic Protest I helped organize at the COP23 UN Climate Talks]
“Special Report: Revolt at Trump’s Pro-Coal, Pro-Nuclear & Pro-Gas Panel Rocks U.N. Climate Summit” | Democracy Now 2017
[Broadcast about the historic Protest I helped organized at the COP23 UN Climate Talks]
“Your Call: How young people are reshaping the environmental movement” | 2018
[Radio Interview]
“This Group Is Turning Guns Into Shovels And Using Them To Plant Trees” | HuffPost 2018
[article about my work with Lead to Life]
“Applied Alchemy” | Emergence Magazine 2018
[interview & article about my work w/ Lead to Life]
“We Sing the Great Turning // Kyle Lemle” | the Choral Commons 2021
[Podcast interview on the founding of Thrive Choir, and the power of music in movements for justice.]
“Multidimensional community forestry with Kyle Lemle” | In this Climate Podcast, Indiana University 2022
[Podcast interview on the my career journey, and how land stewardship and social justice work can be acts of love.]