
Kyle Lemle has worked for over a decade on forest restoration and climate justice initiatives from the pine forests of the Himalayas to the mangroves of Southeast Asia to the urban forest in San Francisco. A Kerry Fellow, Wyss Scholar for Conservation in the American West, and a Spiritual Ecology Fellow, Kyle has a Master of Forestry from Yale School of the Environment, and a B.A. in Environmental Studies and International Development Studies from Brown University.

As a policy fellow for the US Climate Alliance, The Nature Conservancy, and NRDC, Kyle has helped to elevate natural climate solutions internationally and in US state-level emissions reduction programs. As a climate organizer, Kyle has mobilized thousands of people to the streets of San Francisco as a leader of RISE for Climate, and organized historic actions at the UN Climate Talks as a US People’s Delegate & SustainUS youth delegate. Later as Director of Distributed Organizing with GreenFaith, Kyle crafted strategy, trained organizers and faith leaders, and helped build the international faith-based climate justice movement.

Channeling his passion for justice into culture-making and music, Kyle performs at festivals, conferences, and direct actions across California as the founder of the Thrive Choir, whose mission is to sing the music for the revolution. In addition, he has planted trees at sites impacted by violence across the US with shovels made from guns as co-founder and former program director of Lead to Life.



"Kyle is a magical combination of the creative and emotional heart of an artist, the passionate and strategic mind of an activist and the eloquence and commitment of a leader (spiritual ecologist) that makes him a powerful and inspiring change maker for our times."

— Steve Costa | Co-Founder, Black Mountain Circle